Diving in a lake or river? Need dive planning calculations in feet or meters of fresh water? Select the “Settings” tab (by default it is under the “More” tab) and choose the type of water appropriate for your diving conditions. You can switch at any time and your existing entries will be recalculated for the appropriate type of water.

The default is to perform calculations for salt water (where one atmosphere of pressure occurs at 33’ or 10 meters). You can change this setting to fresh water (where one atmosphere of pressure occurs at 34’ or 10.3 meters). The setting will persist the next time you open the application. Units will be displayed as “fsw/msw” or “ffw/mfw” in the Planning and Best Mix tools. Make sure that the intended units are displayed before using the resulting calculations.

You can rearrange the items on the tab bar from the “More” tab. Just select the “Edit” button and drag the tools into the order that you prefer. It might be preferable to have the Settings tab handy if you frequently change systems of measurement.

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Trimix Tools

Salt or Fresh Water


  1. We create applications for mobile phones and handhelds with a focus on iPhone and iPod® touch.

  2. Our goal is to provide high quality applications that enhance your ability to be productive or have fun when you are not within easy reach of your desk.

  3. Our first applications are designed with the SCUBA diver in mind making dive planning and gas blending calculations on the boat or at the fill station possible.




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